scholarship application
The Los Alamos Jewish Center’s camp scholarship program is intended to foster the Jewish identity of our children by helping to offset the costs of attending Jewish summer programs. The Board is therefore pleased to offer summer camp scholarships to attend Jewish summer programs. We encourage children (18 or younger) whose families are members of the LAJC to apply for a scholarship. First-time applicants will receive precedence over repeat awardees.
As part of the scholarship program, applicants should complete the form below and mail it to the LAJC (LAJC Summer Scholarships, 2400 Canyon Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544). Applicants may be invited to make a presentation to the Board about their request for a scholarship. Additionally, applicants will be expected to donate a minimum of 3 hours to the LAJC (details to be worked out on an individual basis) and to participate in a possible Camp Fair in the fall.
Because of the value, experience, and cherished memories that arise from attending Jewish summer camps, the Board respectfully requests that members and friends consider making a special donation to the Camp Scholarship Fund. If you would like to contribute, please send your check to the LAJC, PO Box 1114, Los Alamos, NM, 87544, with a note on the memo line indicating that the donation is for the scholarship fund. The Board and our children thank you.
The Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico also offers scholarship money toward Jewish summer camp. Contact them directly: www.jcfnm.org